Short Film – Tackling the Climate Crises with the help of the Forests

The film premiered at the 7th Central European Biomass Conference in Graz. It shows how sustainable forest management, climate protection, timber construction and the energy transition are all interconnected, and how we can jointly phase-out oil, natural gas and coal, explains Franz Titschenbacher, President of the Austrian Biomass Association. Sustainably used wood is climate protection The challenge was the complexity…

Neste enables Swedish Trollhättan-Vänersborg Airport and Västflyg airline to become the world’s firsts to use sustainable aviation fuel on all flights

Trollhättan-Vänersborg Airport in the southwestern part of Sweden, will be the first airport in the world to offer only blended sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) for all aircraft refueling at the airport, which will significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of departing flights. Neste will supply its Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel™ to the Trollhättan airport in a…

Bioelectricity Statistical Report 2023

Bioenergy Europe’s 2022 Report on Bioelectricity unveils the role of bioelectricity for energy transition, providing the reader with detailed data analysis on current dynamics of electricity, renewable and not, with a focus on electricity produced from biomass (bioelectricity). Most of the figures included in the report are filtered by country, helping policy makers and investors to better calibrate their…